Security guard and reception services on the joint premises of the European Parliament Information Office in Estonia and the Representation of the European Commission in Estonia, Tallinn

Representation of the European Commission in Estonia

The main services required are security and reception services during opening hours of the European Parliament Information Office in Estonia and the Representation of the European Commission in Estonia; remote surveillance and assistance services during opening hours and outside opening hours in case of emergency and, twice a month, patrol rounds of the periphery of the building outside opening hours.

Pakkumiste esitamise tähtaeg oli 2012-12-21. Hange avaldati aadressil 2012-10-26.

Lepingu sõlmimise otsustes või muudes hankedokumentides on mainitud järgmisi tarnijaid:


Hanke ajalugu
Kuupäev Dokument
2012-10-26 Hanketeade
2013-03-19 Hankelepingu sõlmimise teade