The maintenance and repairs shall be performed by the manufacturer of the systems or its authorized representative in accordance with the latest maintenance data and procedures valid at the time of such maintenance or repair.
Pakkumiste esitamise tähtaeg oli 2019-07-08.
Hange avaldati aadressil 2019-06-06.
Objekt Hanke ulatus
“Repair and Maintenance of SeaFLIR II Multi-Sensor Imager Systems or Separate Parts of these Systems
Tooted/teenused: Õhusõidukite ja nende seadmete remondi-, hooldus- ja seonduvad teenused📦
“The maintenance and repairs shall be performed by the manufacturer of the systems or its authorized representative in accordance with the latest maintenance...”
The maintenance and repairs shall be performed by the manufacturer of the systems or its authorized representative in accordance with the latest maintenance data and procedures valid at the time of such maintenance or repair.
Täiendavad tooted/teenused: Õhusõidukite ja nende seadmete remondi-, hooldus- ja seonduvad teenused📦
Esitamiskoht: Eesti🏙️
Hanke kirjeldus:
“The maintenance and repairs shall be performed by the manufacturer of the systems or its authorized representative in accordance with the latest maintenance...”
Hanke kirjeldus
The maintenance and repairs shall be performed by the manufacturer of the systems or its authorized representative in accordance with the latest maintenance data and procedures valid at the time of such maintenance or repair.
Näita rohkem Preemiakriteeriumid
Kulukriteerium (nimi): Value of the tender
Kulukriteerium (osakaal): 70.0
Kulukriteerium (nimi): Delivery destination, i.e. country name
Kulukriteerium (osakaal): 30.0
Lepingu, raamlepingu või dünaamilise ostusüsteemi kestus
Allpool esitatud ajavahemik on väljendatud kuude arvuna.
Kestus: 48
Õiguslik, majanduslik, finants- ja tehniline teave Tehniline ja kutsealane võimekus
Valikukriteeriumide loetelu ja lühikirjeldus:
“1) During the reference period, the economic operator has delivered the following principal deliveries of the type specified. Contracting Authorities may...”
Valikukriteeriumide loetelu ja lühikirjeldus
1) During the reference period, the economic operator has delivered the following principal deliveries of the type specified. Contracting Authorities may require up to 3 years and allow experience dating from more than 3 years.
Tenderer must have performed within 24 months preceding the commencement of the public procurement at least 2 supply contracts of which object of contract is similar to procurement contract. Contracts similar to public procurement contract are repair and maintenance of SeaFLIR II multi-sensor imager systems or other similar products manufactured by FLIR Inc separate parts of these systems.
Contracts are considered to be fulfilled in reference period (24 months prior to commencement of the public procurement) only in part and value, in which they are fulfilled during the reference period. If the performance of contract continues after the commencement of the public procurement, the tenderer can prove its technical and professional ability, and the contract is deemed to be fulfilled, only in the part and value the objects are delivered and accepted by client at the time of the commencement of the public procurement. If the contract is performed partially before the reference period, the tenderer can prove its technical and professional ability, and the contract is deemed to be fulfilled, only in part and volume the objects are delivered and accepted by client at the time of the commencement of the public procurement.
If the repair and maintenance are done based on Framework Agreement, the tenderer can prove its technical and professional ability with concluded and fulfilled public contracts (orders/projects).
As an initial proof, the tenderer submits single procurement document containing updated declaration of the tenderer that 24 months prior to the commencement of public procurement it has performed required number of supply contracts of which object of contract is similar to procurement contract. It is non-mandatory to add a list of previous contracts (references) (signing date, date of fulfillment, content of the contract and information of the client (name of client, email, phone No).
Contracting Authority may require a confirmation from the client of the reference contracts. Contracting Authority may ask the client of the reference contract for additional information.
The Contracting Authority does not demand the submission of the documents in case the data or documents are available to the Contracting Authority on the basis of data in a database.
Menetlus Protseduuri tüüp
Avatud menetlus
Teave raamlepingu või dünaamilise ostusüsteemi kohta
Raamleping ühe ettevõtjaga
Administratiivne teave
Pakkumiste või osalemistaotluste laekumise tähtaeg: 2019-07-08
10:00 📅
Keeled, milles võib esitada pakkumisi või osalemistaotlusi: eesti 🗣️
Keeled, milles võib esitada pakkumisi või osalemistaotlusi: inglise 🗣️
Allpool esitatud ajavahemik on väljendatud kuude arvuna.
Minimaalne ajavahemik, mille jooksul pakkuja peab pakkumist säilitama: 4
Pakkumiste avamise tingimused: 2019-07-08
10:00 📅
Täiendav teave Läbivaatamise keha
Nimi: Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon
Postiaadress: Endla 13/Lõkke 5
Postilinn: Tallinn
Postiindeks: 10122
Riik: Eesti 🇪🇪
Telefon: +372 6113713📞
URL:🌏 Teenistus, kust saab teavet läbivaatamismenetluse kohta
Nimi: Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon
Postiaadress: Endla 13/Lõkke 5
Postilinn: Tallinn
Postiindeks: 10122
Riik: Eesti 🇪🇪
Telefon: +372 6113713📞
Allikas: OJS 2019/S 111-272601 (2019-06-06)
Hankelepingu sõlmimise teade (2019-07-24) Objekt Hanke ulatus
“Repair and Maintenance of SeaFLIR II Multi-sensor Image Systems or Separate Parts of these Systems
207169” Preemiakriteeriumid
Kulukriteerium (nimi): Delivery destination, ie country name
Menetlus Teave raamlepingu kohta
Hange hõlmab raamlepingu sõlmimist
Administratiivne teave
Eelnev väljaanne selle menetluse kohta: 2019/S 111-272601
Lepingu sõlmimine
1️⃣ Teave toetusega mitteseotud toodete kohta
Muud põhjused (menetluse lõpetamine)
Allikas: OJS 2019/S 144-355308 (2019-07-24)