Riigihanked Eesti
Tarnija: Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV
Tarnija: Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV
2 arhiveeritud hanked
Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV on ajalooliselt olnud tarnija
IT-teenused: nõuande-, tarkvaraarendus-, Interneti- ja tugiteenused
tarkvara programmeerimis- ja nõustamisteenused
tarkvarapakettide programmeerimisteenused
Hiljutised hanked, kus on mainitud tarnijat Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV
Framework Contract for Implementation and Maintenance in Working Order of the Biometrics Part of the Entry Exit...
European Union Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-
The CfT covers the implementation of the central Biometric Matching System (BMS) for EES, its transition to operations, followed by the corrective, adaptive, preventive, perfective and evolutionary maintenance as well as associated transversal services, support to Member States trainings and handover to the Contracting Authority and/or the next contractor. It also includes foreseen evolutions for the future integration of SIS II, EURODAC, VIS and ECRIS-TCN with the central BMS in the context of interoperability.
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Mainitud tarnijad:
Idemia Identity & Security SAS
Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV
European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA)
Framework contract for the maintenance in working order of the Schengen information system.
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Mainitud tarnijad:
Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV
Seotud otsingud
Hankijad organisatsioonid:
European Agency for the Operational...
European Union Agency for the operational...
IT-teenused: nõuande-, tarkvaraarendus-,...
Tarkvara programmeerimis- ja nõustamisteenused
Tarkvarapakettide programmeerimisteenused
Süsteemialased ja tehnilised nõustamisteenused
Tellimustarkvara arendusteenused
Süsteemi hooldus- ja tugiteenused
Tarkvaraga seotud teenused
Tarkvara hooldus- ja parandusteenused