Cleaning services for the joint premises of the European Parliament Information Office in Estonia and the Representation of the European Commission in Estonia
The main services required under this contract relate to the work of cleaning the premises occupied by the European Parliament Information Office in Estonia and the Representation of the European Commission in Estonia and removing waste materials from them.
The Representation of the European Commission in Estonia shall be the contracting authority for this contract and shall act on behalf of both institutions: the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Cleaning services to be performed include, on the one hand, scheduled services on a daily basis (Monday–Friday), according to a cleaning programme for the location and, on the other hand, possible exceptional additional and extra cleaning services upon request of the contracting authority (including during weekends and public holidays). The services to be performed, intervals at which they are to be performed and timetable for their performance are detailed in the tender specifications and its annexes.
Pakkumiste esitamise tähtaeg oli 2012-04-04.
Hange avaldati aadressil 2012-02-10.
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