The CfT covers the implementation of the central Automatic biometric identification and matching system for EES, its transition to operations, followed by the corrective, adaptive, preventive, perfective and evolutionary maintenance as well as associated transversal services, support to Member States trainings and handover to the Contracting Authority and/or the next Contractor.
Pakkumiste esitamise tähtaeg oli 2018-09-25.
Hange avaldati aadressil 2018-06-20.
Lisateave (2018-09-24) Õiguslik, majanduslik, finants- ja tehniline teave Õiguslik alus
“REGULATION (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general...”
REGULATION (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002
Tellija Nimi ja aadressid
“European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA)”
Postiaadress: EU House, Rävala pst 4
Postilinn: Tallinn
Postiindeks: 10143
Riik: Eesti 🇪🇪
Piirkond: Põhja-Eesti🏙️
Objekt Hanke ulatus
“Framework Contract for Implementation and Maintenance in Working Order of the Biometrics Part of the Entry Exit System
LISA/2018/RP/02 EES BMS”
Tooted/teenused: IT-teenused: nõuande-, tarkvaraarendus-, Interneti- ja tugiteenused📦
“The CfT covers the implementation of the central automatic biometric identification and matching system for EES, its transition to operations, followed by...”
The CfT covers the implementation of the central automatic biometric identification and matching system for EES, its transition to operations, followed by the corrective, adaptive, preventive, perfective and evolutionary maintenance as well as associated transversal services, support to member states trainings and handover to the Contracting Authority and/or the next contractor.
Täiendav teave Esialgse teatise viide
Teatise number Euroopa Liidu Teatajas S: 2018/S 121-275170
Muudatused Esialgse teatise parandatav tekst
Jaotise number: IV.2.2)
Muudetava teksti koht: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Vana väärtus
Kuupäev: 2018-09-25 📅
Uus väärtus
Kuupäev: 2018-10-01 📅
Allikas: OJS 2018/S 185-417771 (2018-09-24)
Hankelepingu sõlmimise teade (2019-04-10) Tellija Nimi ja aadressid
Postiaadress: Vesilennuki 5
Postiindeks: 10415
Objekt Hanke ulatus
“The CfT covers the implementation of the central Automatic Biometric Identification and Matching System for EES, its Transition to Operations, followed by...”
The CfT covers the implementation of the central Automatic Biometric Identification and Matching System for EES, its Transition to Operations, followed by the corrective, adaptive, preventive, perfective and evolutionary maintenance as well as associated transversal services, support to Member States trainings and handover to the Contracting Authority and/or the next contractor.
Menetlus Protseduuri tüüp
Piiratud menetlus
Teave raamlepingu kohta
Hange hõlmab raamlepingu sõlmimist
Administratiivne teave
Eelnev väljaanne selle menetluse kohta: 2018/S 121-275170
Lepingu sõlmimine
“Framework Contract for Implementation and Maintenance in Working order of the Biometrics Part of the Entry Exit System” Teave toetusega mitteseotud toodete kohta
Muud põhjused (menetluse lõpetamine)
Täiendav teave Täiendav teave
See Internet address provided in Section I.3
Läbivaatamise keha
Nimi: General Court of the European Union
Postiaadress: rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
Postilinn: Luxembourg
Postiindeks: L-2925 Luxembourg
Riik: Luksemburg 🇱🇺
Telefon: +352 4303-1📞
Faks: +352 4303-2100 📠
URL:🌏 Läbivaatamise kord
Täpne teave läbivaatamismenetluse tähtaja(te) kohta: See Internet address provided in Section I.3
Allikas: OJS 2019/S 076-179790 (2019-04-10)