2023-09-25   Capacity Increase Programme – Design, Supervision and Control Services of Construction Projects (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
The capacity increase programme is divided in three lots: — lot 1: architectural, engineering and supervision services; — lot 2: health and safety coordination; and — lot 3: technical control. Vaadake hankeid »
2023-07-04   Guard and Reception/Switchboard Services for the Premises of the EU-House in Tallinn, Estonia (European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM), Representation in Estonia, COMM.DGA1.C.TA – Tallinn)
The European Commission Representation in Tallinn, Estonia, acting also on behalf of the European Parliament Liaison Office, is looking for security guard and reception/switchboard services for the EU-House premises in Tallinn, Rävala 4. The objective is the provision of a uniformed and trained, unarmed, three security guards to perform routine protective and access control duties and reception/switchboard services. For all the details please consult the procurement documents. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: AS G4S Eesti
2023-05-03   Provision of Medical Services (Medical Examination and Prevention) (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
Provision of medical services (medical examination and prevention) divided in two lots: — lot 1 – Medical examinations and prevention (pre-employment examination, annual medical examination) – Strasbourg, France; and — lot 2 – Medical examinations and prevention (pre-employment examination, annual medical examination) – Tallinn, Estonia. Vaadake hankeid »
2020-10-13   Framework Contract for Provision of Security Guarding and Reception Services at eu-LISA premises in Strasbourg and... (European Union Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-)
The scope of the planned call for tenders will be to procure security guarding and reception services, and other security and safety related services for the eu-LISA site in Strasbourg, France. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: Protectim Security Services SAS S3 Security SAS Securitas France SARL
2019-06-18   Provision of Training, Conferences, Seminars, Coaching, e-learning, Learning and Organisational Development Services (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
The subject of this call for tenders is the provision of training, conferences, seminars, coaching, e-learning, learning and organisational development services through the future contractor. The call for tenders covers mainly learning and organisational development activities, which are not subject to other framework contracts of eu-LISA. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: imc information multimedia communication AG INFEUROPE S.A.
2019-05-07   Framework Contract for Implementation and Maintenance in Working Order of the Biometrics Part of the Entry Exit... (European Union Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-)
The CfT covers the implementation of the central Biometric Matching System (BMS) for EES, its transition to operations, followed by the corrective, adaptive, preventive, perfective and evolutionary maintenance as well as associated transversal services, support to Member States trainings and handover to the Contracting Authority and/or the next contractor. It also includes foreseen evolutions for the future integration of SIS II, EURODAC, VIS and ECRIS-TCN with the central BMS in the context of interoperability. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: Idemia Identity & Security SAS Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV
2018-06-20   Framework Contract for Implementation and Maintenance in working order of the Biometrics Part of the Entry Exit System (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
The CfT covers the implementation of the central Automatic biometric identification and matching system for EES, its transition to operations, followed by the corrective, adaptive, preventive, perfective and evolutionary maintenance as well as associated transversal services, support to Member States trainings and handover to the Contracting Authority and/or the next Contractor. Vaadake hankeid »
2018-05-25   Provision of security guarding and reception services at eu-LISA Strasbourg premises (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
The scope of the planned call for tenders will be to procure security guarding and reception services, and other security and safety related services for the eu-LISA site in Strasbourg, France. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: Securitas France SARL
2018-03-05   Integrated Communication Services, Events and Travel Management Services (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
The objective of this call for tenders is to acquire: — under Lot 1 (Integrated Communication Services) a broad range of services in the area of integrated communication for both eu-LISA external and internal stakeholders, — under Lot 2 (Event Management Services) a broad range of event management actions and organised events with the additional capacity by the prospective contractor to handle travel management services for external participants invited to various eu-LISA events, and. — under Lot 3 … Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: Adria Congrex Srl Baltic Tours Ltd Business, trade and services company... Company for trade and services Congress... North East West South (NEWS) Travel SA Pomilio Blumm Srl ProPager SARL (Leader) T and T Executive SA
2017-07-11   Security guard and reception/switchboard services for the EU House in Tallinn, Estonia (European Commission Representation in Estonia)
Security guard and reception/switchboard services for the EU House in Tallinn, Estonia. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: G4S Eesti AS
2017-04-30   Hiiu maakonna bussiliinivedu 2019-2027 (Hiiu Maavalitsus)
Osutatav teenus on sõitjate vedu Hiiu maakonna avalikel bussiliinidel, mida vedaja on kohustatud teostamakäesoleva hanke dokumentides, ühistranspordiseaduses, muudes õigusaktides ning avalikuteenindamise lepingus sätestatud tingimustel ja korras. Vaadake hankeid »
2017-02-07   SIS II MWO (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
Framework contract for the maintenance in working order of the Schengen information system. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: Sopra Steria Benelux SA/NV
2016-10-14   Provision of security services and equipment (European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA))
The scope of the present call for tenders is to procure security guarding and reception services, security-related equipment and systems, maintenance of such equipment and/or systems, and other security and safety-related services for the eu-LISA sites in Tallinn, Estonia, Strasbourg, France and Brussels, Belgium. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: AS G4S Eesti SPIE Facilities
2016-10-13   Viljandi maakonna bussiliiniveo avaliku teenindamise leping (Viljandi Maavalitsus)
Viljandi maakonna bussiliiniveo korraldamine avaliku teenindamise lepingu alusel ja riigieelarve sihtotstarbelise toetuse maksmine vedajale. Vaadake hankeid »
2015-09-30   Lääne maakonna bussiliiniveo avaliku teenindamise leping (Lääne Maavalitsus)
Lääne maakonna avalik bussiliiniveo teenuse osutamine. Bussiliinide arv ca 30. Liinikilomeetrite aastane maht ca 1517000. Vaadake hankeid »
2015-02-18   Production and broadcasting of the European Parliament special radio broadcasts in Estonian and Russian (European Parliament Information Office in Estonia)
Production and broadcasting of the European Parliament special radio broadcasts in Estonian and Russian. Lot 1: production and broadcasting of the EP special radio broadcasts in Estonian. Lot 2: production and broadcasting of the EP special radio broadcasts in Russian. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: Eesti Rahvusringhääling
2015-02-17   Avaliku bussiliiniveo korraldamine Harju maakonna Harku valla bussiliinidel (MTÜ Harjumaa Ühistranspordikeskus)
Sõitjate vedu avaliku teenindamise lepingu alusel Harju maakonnas Harku valla bussiliinidel HD-s ja selle lisades esitatud tingimustel, vajadusel ka sõidupiletite müügi ja muude avaliku teenindamise kohustusega kaasnevate teenuste ning nende üle järelevalve teostamise korraldust HD-s ja selle lisades ettenähtud tingimustel. Vaadake hankeid »
2014-06-11   Jõgeva maakonna bussiliiniveo avaliku teenindamise leping (Jõgeva Maavalitsus)
Bussiliinivedu Jõgeva maakonnas kahe suurema piirkonna teenindamiseks järgmiselt: Jõgeva-Mustvee piirkonnas, mille maht on 800 000 liinikilomeetrit ja Põltsamaa piirkonnas mille mahton 355 000 liinikilomeetrit kalendriaastas. Hange on jaotatud osadeks lähtuvalt piirkondadest tuleneva bussitranspordivajadustest. Vaadake hankeid »
2014-06-09   Avaliku liiniveo korraldamine Võru maakonnas (Võru Maavalitsus)
Avaliku bussiliiniveo teenuse osutamine Võru maakonnas. Võru maakonna bussiliine – 51. sõiduplaanide järgne ligikaudne liinikilomeetrite aastane maht 1 683 000 km. Vaadake hankeid »
2011-05-16   Meediamonitooring (Euroopa Parlament, kommunikatsiooni peadirektoraat)
Regulaarne ingliskeelne Eesti meedia monitooring, mis koosneb igapäevastest kirjutava pressi, online-meedia ja audiovisuaalse meedia ülevaadetest. Vaadake hankeid »
Mainitud tarnijad: ETA Uudistetalituse OÜ